27 January 2006

How Can 31 Million Brits Be So Stupid?

Britons unconvinced on evolution

Unless...maybe it's an indicator of growing globalist sentiment. Consider: evolution clearly puts Brits at the top of the human heap (just read Edward B. Tylor), whereas creationism means that we're all siblings made in the image of God. (And, yes, this means that God the Father is really a hermaphrodite, the Son a dude [SEE what happens when men get all touchy-feely?! See??], and the Holy Spirit a chick [spirituality, rich inner life, all that jazz]. Get over it.) So evolution emphasizes competition and self-interest whereas creationism emphasizes coöperation and common interest. Clearly, then, creationism is the origin myth with which you want to inculcate the children so that we can all live amongst shiny, happy people holding hands.

Nah...this is Britain we're talking about.


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