26 May 2006


I've been toying with the idea of seeing Disney's Aliens of the Deep IMAX movie.

But now I've seen the trailer.

OK, I should have known when I read in About | Synopsis that the film and/or the director were "Inspired by concepts from the field of astrobiology – the study of life on other worlds...." So, have I missed something? Did I unknowingly spend the last several years under a rock? What life on other worlds?! For all their realism, Star Trek and Star Wars are still just fictions, as far as I know. While the mere existence of life on other worlds may qualify as theoretical, even hypothetical, anything else that might be said about it remains sheer speculation, and that ain't science. There simply ain't no such thing as astrobiology, or xenobiology, or exobiology (depending upon which show you watch) for pre-A.D. 2006 Earthlings: for all of our hopes, dreams, fears, expectations, and false alarms – for all of the tantalizing evidence of organic chemicals in space –, it remains the case that the only life we know of in this entire universe had its origins within 8,000 miles of your current location. No extraterrestrial life, no astro-/exo-/xenobiological data; no data, no study, no -ology, no hypothesizing, theorizing, concepts. Nada. Nil. None.


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