Eye on Springfield, 23 April 2007
This Comic Has Everything!
My grad-school advisor's lab had a walk-in refrigerator with a walk-in freezer attached. Most of the archaeology and bioanthropology faculty were faunal analysts, who collect dead animals from wherever and eventually turn them into clean skeletons for comparative purposes. The department then-chairman was a primate paleontologist, so his stash in the freezer was a big bag labelled "FROZEN MONKEYS."
This comic already has many layers of funny, but that little tidbit makes it oh-so-much funnier:
This comic already has many layers of funny, but that little tidbit makes it oh-so-much funnier:

[The department chairman-that-was-then was a great bloviator, who earned the nickname "Burgermeister Meisterburger" among the grad students. He had a thing for Diet Coke. During a game of Balderdash, the word "glunch" came up; one of the proferred definitions was "the sound made by Diet Coke as it slowly burns its way through _____'s colon."]
Yup, Drawn By a Dude
Until I googled him, I thought Brooke McEldowney was a woman. But I wouldn't have needed the Google if I'd seen this comic. The artist who drew it has never worn a dress (or a least an ankle-length skirt), or they'd've known that the front hem is only a hazard when climbing stairs.
Well, OK: I suppose Pibgorn and Drusilla could be too inexperienced with skirts to have known. On the other hand, when going downstairs in a long skirt, it doesn't take long to realize where the trouble's going to happen.
Well, OK: I suppose Pibgorn and Drusilla could be too inexperienced with skirts to have known. On the other hand, when going downstairs in a long skirt, it doesn't take long to realize where the trouble's going to happen.
Cyclists are Pussies
Now that the nice weather has arrived, the fair-weather bicycle-commuters – by which I mean "the bicycle-commuters" – have made their appearances. Except when I'm late, I hoof the last mile to work (and the first one from work), come rain, hail, sleet, or snow. I marched it every day of the coldest week of the winter, for example, when the fucktards in the private houses couldn't be bothered to de-ice the sidewalk in front of their property (except where it crossed their driveways), and it was faster & safer to "skate" than to walk. Now, that's a good excuse for not cycling. But the recent mild weather hasn't been good enough, either: no, it's not until the weather got nice & warm that they got out their cycles. Pussies.
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