Yes, Virginia, We ARE Doomed
The Stupid is strong today.
Wait — did Obama just diss the iPad? Why is this in the news? What possible difference could it make to anything anywhere? Who besides the author of that piece and their editor gives a subatomic shit?
And once again the AP (of course!) parades their scientific illiteracy for all the world to see: Newton's apple tree bound for gravity-free orbit. There is no such thing as a "gravity-free orbit," ya dumbwad, because – as Newton himself demonstrated – it is gravity that curves what would otherwise be straight trajectories. Ever hear of "inertia"? Oh, why do I even bother?
And hard on the heels of that comes Nation has high college remedial education rate, which actually is no great surprise considering the above. What with grade inflation, the attitude that tuition purchases the degree itself rather than the opportunity to earn one, and our
And, finally, this: Pope blames church's own sins for sex scandal, which is a start. On the one hand it's not the church's fault that pedophiliac priests did wicked things, but on the other hand it is the church's fault for doing nothing (and worse than nothing) about it once it was informed. At least they're not still blaming the rest of the world for their own misdeeds. Oh, wait, they are:
Wait — did Obama just diss the iPad? Why is this in the news? What possible difference could it make to anything anywhere? Who besides the author of that piece and their editor gives a subatomic shit?
And once again the AP (of course!) parades their scientific illiteracy for all the world to see: Newton's apple tree bound for gravity-free orbit. There is no such thing as a "gravity-free orbit," ya dumbwad, because – as Newton himself demonstrated – it is gravity that curves what would otherwise be straight trajectories. Ever hear of "inertia"? Oh, why do I even bother?
And hard on the heels of that comes Nation has high college remedial education rate, which actually is no great surprise considering the above. What with grade inflation, the attitude that tuition purchases the degree itself rather than the opportunity to earn one, and our
"...telling kids you'll be a third-class citizen if you don't go to college," said Marty Nemko, an education policy consultant and author. "And colleges are taking kids who in previous generations would not have gone to college."I'm surprised that it's only now being mentioned publicly. (Of course, I'm a beneficiary of that myself, which is part of the reason I keep the alphabet soup that I'm technically entitled to spill after my name, under wraps.)
And, finally, this: Pope blames church's own sins for sex scandal, which is a start. On the one hand it's not the church's fault that pedophiliac priests did wicked things, but on the other hand it is the church's fault for doing nothing (and worse than nothing) about it once it was informed. At least they're not still blaming the rest of the world for their own misdeeds. Oh, wait, they are:
called for profound purification to end what he called the "greatest persecution" the church has endured.Wow, really? Greater than, you know, when the Romans were feeding all the Christians they could find to the lions? Oh, but I forgot: the grand high poobahs constitute "the church," not the millions of faithful laymen and -women. So criticism of fuckups by said grand high poobahs, even calling for their resignation, poses an immediate threat to the fundamental structure, and thus the very existence, of the church. No grand high poobahs = no church = no salvation for the masses. Won't somebody please think of the laïty (except for the ones we raped)?
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