Reddest & Dressiest Press of All
Man, I loves me some o' that Rude Pundit. Here he has given the most succinct statement of the problem with the establishment media that I have ever seen.
Oh, hell, I'll just give it to you:
Added: The magazine New Scientist also had a useful comment in a recent editorial:
Oh, hell, I'll just give it to you:
the contemporary media hegemony...refuses to give the American people the information they need.
Added: The magazine New Scientist also had a useful comment in a recent editorial:
In striving to present both sides of the argument, reporters have mostly failed to convey the lopsided nature of the evidence.This was in relation to a particular study, but it's often true when evidence is lopsided. For some reason, journalists and their bosses seem to think that "Fair and Balanced" is achieved through "equal time" [there are probably some ironies in respect to this to be found in a comparison with media attitudes toward the "equal time" rule and "fairness doctrine" as applied to political topics]. I would explain that with bureaucratic-style institutional inertia: easily justified by (and for) the lazy. Plus, it puts the controversy rather than the subject at center stage.
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