11 February 2008

I Don't Agree With His Bart-Killing Policy, But I Do Approve of His Selma-Killing Policy

I have astonished my coworkers by being, despite having strongly held political opinions, totally blasée about the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Partly this was because I live in a state with a late primary, and few of the people whose names appear on the sample ballot that came a couple of weeks ago are maintaining their candidacy. I would have been happy for John Edwards' ideas to make it to the White House, but even if he became the Democratic nominee....

Anyhoo, once it came down to The Lady Or The Negro, I identified strongly with one Homer S. No, that's too obvious; let's say, 'H. Simpson':
Oh, I don't know; it all looks so terrible.
For example, Hillary is pro-war and doesn't apologize for it; Obama talks the anti-war talk but walks a pro-war walk. What I wants is a progressive candidate; failing that, I'd like a liberal. But since the best we're going to do is merely a Democrat, which doesn't mean much these days, it's hard to care: come November I'll be voting Not-Republican, not Democratic. I just haven't been able to bring myself to care which of the the wanna-be Lesser Evil nominees is less evil than the other. And, really, I haven't needed to care.

But primary day is tomorrow, so it's time to take a stand. I'm standing for Obama. Here's why: I already know Hillary's a tool. Obama I merely suspect to be a tool. He wouldn't be worse than Hillary, and there's a slim chance he'd be better.


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