16 January 2010

That's Unpossible!

From the Recovery Media help file on my new 'puter:
If you create recovery medias in advance, you can recover the system from the recovery medias even if you cannot recover the system from the hard drive.
"Medias"? I know that word exists – I've seen it in the phrase in medias res, "in the middle of things" – but I have no idea what a "recovery middle" is, let alone what I would do with one.

Oh, I get it! They don't mean "recovery middle," they mean "recovery media," as in "more than one recovery medium"! Well, why didn't they just say so?

Thank you, Microsoft spell-checker dictionary editors and umpty-nine bazillion M.B.A. program faculty, you great arbitrators of the English language, for making up what you didn't learn because of your inattention during primary and secondary school English classes, and foisting it upon the rest of us. Yeah, that's some kind o' inno-ma-vation, there. It's clear to me now that we should leave market policy – pardon me, policies (wouldn't want there to be any confusion) – in your capable hands.


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