14 February 2006

Genius du jour:

Olivia Barker, USA Today, in this article, wrote

...divorces, prenuptial agreements and annulments historically spike around Valentine's Day – 36%, 28% and 21% respectively in 2005, according to LegalMatch.com...

What does that mean? That 36% of 2005's divorces were filed "around Valentine's Day" in 2005? That there were 36% more divorces filed during that period compared to the rest of the year? Or compared to the average for the year? Or compared to the same period for the previous year, or the average for the previous year, or the average for all previous years? What?

Anyway. The quotation continues:

...so why not archly acknowledge the holiday's less-romantic side with a T-shirt that proclaims "Cupid can't aim"?

"People are tired of the pressure, of making it so commercial," says Ana Weber, a dating and relationship coach based in Newport Beach, Calif.

Oh, THAT's an intelligent comment. People are so tired of the commercialism of the day that instead of buying sappy things they buy snarky ones? Does Weber even understand that commercialism lies more in the marketing and the buying than in the things bought?

And, I know Weber said it. But Barker chose to use it.


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